Hosting a game server, setting up missions and operations, and looking after a group of people can be a lot of work. We have a hierarchy within The Black Order to help with some of the management and administrative tasks, but the underlying fact that nothing in life is free cannot be ignored unfortunately.
There are multiple ways that people can support The Black Order, all of them completely optional and none of them will ever be compulsory. Below are just some of the ways you can help!

GTX Gaming are our choice of host for the Arma 3 and TeamSpeak servers that we run. However, as The Black Order is not managed by streamers and doesn't have a patreon or similar, our leadership maintain the server from their own funds.
GTX has a Public Pay function that allows people to contribute directly to the costs of running the server.
Most of our missions and operations are modified Liberation campaigns. Editing and setting up the necessary mission files and testing that they work as required can be long or hard work. We do also run the occasional standalone mission, such as Op Dynamo or Op Neptune.
If you know your way around Arma 3 scripting and mission editing and you want to help, let us know!

Want to stream or record Arma 3?
We encourage people to freely upload footage from Arma 3, or any other gameplay, onto their chosen streaming platforms. This activity may also help us to increase our recruitment, something that can often prove to be difficult and slow progress.