Joining the TBO - Arma 3 group is done by following the steps below.
This will include any training, mods, and server details.
Steam Workshop Mods
ACRE2: Advanced Combat Radio Environment
Arma 3 Unit
- Step 4: Orientation and Additional Training -
​Once you have joined our Discord and run through the setup and mods, there are a couple of options open to you.
There is no requirement to complete any training. From day 1 you can join any events and missions that we run.
If you would like someone to take you through some orientation, make yourself known in #training-discussion and let us know when you are available. An NCO or Officer will liaise with you and bring you up to speed with the basics.
Orientation usually takes 1-2 hours depending on previous experience and abilities. It's not an intense training course, but will teach you some basic controls, skills, and communication to allow you work and fight effectively.
For further training information and career progression, check the Training page.