Joining the TBO - Arma 3 group is done by following the steps below.
This will include any training, mods, and server details.
Steam Workshop Mods
ACRE2: Advanced Combat Radio Environment
Arma 3 Unit
- Step 2: Setup and Mods -
As with most Arma 3 units, we rely heavily on TeamSpeak and mods from the Steam Workshop to increase realism and immersion.
Follow these steps to install TeamSpeak and download our commonly used mods. Please note that depending on the operation, there may be additional mods. These can be found on Discord within the #operations channel.
Go to the TeamSpeak website: https://www.teamspeak.com/en/downloads/
Download and install the TeamSpeak client.
Run TeamSpeak and select Connections > Connect. Enter the server details as follows...
Server name or address: ts3l.gtxgaming.co.uk:10178
Server password: tbo
Ensure your nickname is the same name you use on Discord.

Steam Workshop Mods
Download the required .html mod list by clicking the button below.
Open your Arma 3 launcher.
Select the Mods tab on the left-hand side.
Click the Presets dropdown menu on the right-hnd side, then click the Import button.
This will open a browse dialog. Browse for the .html file and import it.
Alternatively, you can drag and drop the .html file into the your launcher.
This will automatically download any missing mods. Use the Preset menu to save a mod list.
Advanced Combat Radio Environment​
Install the ACRE2 mod for Arma 3 as per the mod list.
Open TeamSpeak and log into the TBO server.
Open Arma 3 and join a TBO mission or training session.
TeamSpeak and ACRE2 should automatically detect each other on your machine, requiring no manual addon installation.

Arma 3 Unit
These steps will allow you to display the TBO logo on your uniform when playing Arma 3.
Navigate to https://accounts.bistudio.com/auth
Create an account or log in using your Steam account.
Join our unit: https://units.arma3.com/unit/theblackorder
The next time you open your Arma 3 launcher, select the Unit tab on the left and tick The Black Order.
It is worth noting that if you are already part of another unit but want to join us on our operations, we will not enforce switching from your usual unit logo to ours.